Surging Bull, Hidden Bear.

On Wall Street, there’s a saying that goes a little something like this. ‘This time, it’s different.’ And quite frankly, this time, things are indeed different. A bull market that has run for well over a decade, while shrugging off anything that may even seem like an obstacle. An American President who once ranted about the market being in bubble territory during his election campaign, now claiming credit for America’s booming economy and even stating that the same surging markets would crash if he was impeached. The same American President engaging in a trade war with and taking on the biggest holder of his country’s debt. The same American President first threatening a nuclear war against and then palling up with the Hermit Kingdom’s Kim. And the other Kim’s husband pushing back his 2020 Presidential bid to 2024 and then claiming that he’s distancing himself from politics and completely focusing on ‘being creative’. It may be 2018 but nothing makes sense anymore. ...