Tomorrow Never Dies.

Murphy’s Law states that anything that can go wrong will go wrong. In India’s case, more often than not, Murphy’s Law does seem to ring true. And worryingly, it seems to be happening on quite a regular occasion in these times. No sooner than one crisis is seen off and the dust settled and the Indian markets ready themselves to resume on the path to growth, does another one rear its ugly head. Simply put, the long awaited Indian Bull Run may be quite some time away. In the world of the bourses, the rear view mirror is always clearer than the windscreen. And while the markets have inched up and generated mediocre returns over the past few years, valuations have simply taken off and run far ahead of fundamentals. Needless to say, until the fundamentals do catch up and justify the valuations, a Bull Run won’t materialize anytime soon. As the past has shown, whenever the markets seem ready to blast ...