The Ghost Of Lehman.

The Dead Are Alive. No, this isn’t a hark back to the opening line from ‘Spectre’ and it isn’t a cryptic message leading up to The Undertaker’s impending return at WrestleMania 32. And just for the record, this certainly isn’t a nonsensical tweet, on the lines of those from a certain ‘Yeezy’, who has also, in what can only be termed as acts of blasphemy, insulted both Taylor Swift and Wiz Khalifa. Incidentally, Mr. West has also made public his intention to run for President of the United States of America in 2020. That’s Cray, Dawg. And now, it’s time to cut to the chase. In late 2008, Lehman Brothers collapsed into bankruptcy after no other American bank was willing to touch it or its toxic assets with a bargepole for a bailout. Its chief, Richard Fuld went on to become America’s most hated man, for having triggered the worst financial crisis that the world had seen, ever since the Great Depres...