House Of Cards.

‘Too Big To Fail’. The notion that a financial institution or an organization has assumed a role that is so vital to the health and survival of the economy of a country that its government would go all out to prevent its cessation of business or bankruptcy in order to avoid the resultant aftershocks that would bring the economy to its knees. In the aftermath of the financial chaos that 2008 unleashed upon the global economy, TBTF was an unflattering, almost loathed title that was slapped onto institutions that governments across the world couldn’t let sink into oblivion, lest the contagion that would result. With economies across the world tumbling, governments had to step in to infuse some confidence into the system and prevent banks from going bust. And it was primarily the banks and financial institutions that were propped up with billions of dollars’ worth of bailouts, even as they attracted widespread criti...