The Last Bastion Of The King.

Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, there lived a mighty King who reigned supreme over a massive and wealthy kingdom. The UB empire, powered by beer and booze, was one of India ’s most successful, powerful and valued conglomerates but its King was not content. For, the King harboured a dream of giving his empire a pair of wings. So, in the year 2005, he launched his most ambitious venture till date. It was an airline that was named after his flagship beer brand, Kingfisher. However, after a turbulent flight that lasted seven long years, Kingfisher Airlines metamorphosed into the entity that turned out to be the King’s undoing. An unsustainable business model, an expensive acquisition of the loss-making low-cost carrier Air Deccan, a much-too-early debut in the international skies and an over-ambitious plan to be the King of the skies all combined to send Kingfisher Airlines crashing down. But this tale does not end with the King living happily ever af...