1929: The USA. 1997: East Asia. 2008: Wall Street. 2010: The Eurozone. 2014: India. Yes, you read that right. India. But don’t get me wrong. A financial and economic crisis won’t just spring upon the country out of the blue in 2014. The snowball, in fact, has already started rolling and as it goes further down the hill, it will only get larger. The Indian economy is already on the precipice and it might just be a matter of time before it goes off the cliff. Most Western economies face a few obstacles on the path to recovery, while the other aspects of their economies seem healthy. India, however, is not that lucky and the country faces a myriad of financial problems. With slowing economic growth, high inflation, a weakening Rupee, a trade deficit, an underperforming bourse, downgrades by global rating agencies, a crisis of confidence and a departure of foreign institutional investor (FII...